Irregular Payment Specific to Placement Setting 623-05-25-05

(Revised 2/1/17 ML #3493)

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PI 18-08


Irregular Payments Family Foster Care:

Foster children placed in a licensed or approved (Tribal Affidavit) family foster home are eligible for irregular maintenance payments.


Irregular Payments for a Non-Foster Care Placement:

Foster children placed in a non-foster care setting with an unlicensed provider, at the hospital, or in relative/kinship care do not qualify for irregular maintenance payments.


Irregular Payments in Therapeutic Foster Family Care:

  1. Therapeutic Level: Only 2 codes allowed.
    1. Code 53: Travel for foster parents to transport to school, and
    2. Code 71: If the foster child has their own child
  2. PATH Regular (Step Down) Level
    1. Irregular payments for family foster care placements, with the exception of Category 20. A clothing allowance is offered by PATH to the foster child.
  3. County (Flow Through) Level
    1. All irregular payments for family foster care placements apply.


Irregular Payments in Group & Residential Care:

The irregular payment policy has very limited application to children in group and residential care. An RCCF has an established daily rate rate setting in those instances is dictated by N.D.A.C. 75-03-15 “Rate Setting”. Children placed in an RCCF are only eligible for:


Irregular Payments in PRTF's:

Foster care funds cannot pay for any portion of a child's cost of care in a PRTF, including irregular payments. Irregular payments may be included in the PRTF’s direct rate based on historical costs as outlined in N.D.A.C 75-02-09-06.